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Oriental & Western Ltd (OWL)

Oriental and Western Limited (OWL) offers 30 year's specialist experience in the design and development of Nutriceutical products of the highest quality.

Underpinned by the most comprehensive clinical knowledge of food state / Re-Natured /Food matrix nutrients, OWL creates and supplies health formulas all over the world, from Europe to the North American continent, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa to doctors, clinics, pharmacies and CAM practitioners, as well as food, drink and sports companies.

Our products are the result of over 30 years of research, development and dedication to find nutrients of the highest quality, ingredients and formulas based on thorough scientific research and trials.

Our products are created or selected because of their natural and biological activity, whilst at the same time they are manufactured to highest quality and standards, using modified OTC drug manufacturing standards. OWL has cGMP and GLP protocols in place for the manufacturing of its nutrients and adhere strictly to the code of the HFMA.

OWL services include:

  • Supplying OWL' s brand of health supplements "Wise Owl Health"
  • Developing Customers Own Range of Products.
  • Providing 'own' label services of existing pre-mixes and formulas (including Vitamins & Minerals, Food State Supplements, Prebiotics & Probiotics, Herbal Formulas and Anti Ageing products)
  • Supplying Quality Bulk Raw Materials, capsules or tablets.

Customer Groups:

OWL source and supply the highest quality ingredients for a range of Customer groups:

  • Doctors
  • Clinics
  • CAM Practitioners
  • The Nutraceutical, Biotech and Pharmaceutical world
  • Food and Beverage Companies
  • Cosmetic & Anti-Ageing Clinics
  • Sports Nutrition Market
  • TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Market
  • Herbal Medicine Market